Saturday, May 19, 2007

This is our Death

The immigration issue is one of the major factors that will lead to a serious downfall in the U.S. I wrote (letters to the Editor) over 12 years ago when in El Paso.. The leftist newspaper there printed one but refused the rest. I wrote several letters to the editor to the Arizona Republic in the past. They printed one and refused to print any more. I thus cancelled the subscription to that newspaper also. Yes, terrorism is and will become much more of an issue in the U.S. but the issue that will completely destroy the U.S. has to do with immigration. Pres. Bush and many others do not get the point that I tried to stress again recently as well as some years ago. I contend then and now that the Mexican Government is basically behind this whole thing. It is unfortunate that the U.S. Government uses the 12,000,000 million illegal immigrant figure. The figure is more accurately that of 30,000,000. The problem that I stressed long ago is that the Mexican Government wants to take over the South and as many states as it can. The surest way they can do that is to get on the side of the Democrats.. The Democrats will assist drastically in proposing and pushing thru any legislation having to do with illegals. The influx of 30,000,000 for the first year will result in amnesty and thus each member can bring in extended family members. This, in turn, will keep the Democrats in power for a while but the Democrats, in their desire to destroy the Republican party, will give, unknowing to them, help the Mexicans create a new political party here and with their greatly increase in voting numbers, can put in any candidate (Latino) that they desire. Any effort then by the Democratic Party to make amends will be too late.

In addition, what will result is an incredible increase in the amount of lawyers. The new illegal population of millions will then use the American system to sue everyone (non-Latino) that they can and it will be pure havoc.

The children of Americans (not the new Americans created by the Amnesty) will not be able to go to a University nor will their children. The influx of more than 150,000,000 new inhabitants will drain any and all social welfare system now and in the future to come.

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