Saturday, March 10, 2007

Obama and the Islamo Facists

Obama has entered the race.. In all liklihood, he will win because there are enough stupid Americans to vote him in... It is interesting, however... (that is it WILL be interesting) to know who will win out in the take over of the US.. the Islamic facists by Obama or the Mexican Government with its now 30,000,000 illegals. It is also interesting to know when such anti-Americans as Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, John McCain, Arizona Governor Napalitano, Barbara Boxer, Kennedy, etc will side with.. the Mexican Government or the Islamic Facists under Obama. I would guess the Mexican Government in view that they already have many politicians in place as Mayors, Governors, etc in the US and if the Amnesty programs goes thru , it will swell the mexican ranks here by an additional 150 million and they will then be able to put anyone into office they want.

The Deterioration of our U..S. Education System

Who is behind the destruction of our educational system and for what reason? This downslide has been going on for at least 30 years. As a result, I am shocked at the standard of intelligence that we now see in the US. Is it so people can be better controlled? Who is behind it?

America's Void

The United States is in serious trouble. The ineptitude and weakness of leadership beginning about the time of that worthless Carter and continuing to present will prove in history to be one of the greatest catastrophes to our once great country. U.S. politicians, for the most part, are plagued by a mindset of appeasement and in unwillingness to confront reality. They have lacked courage and above all, insight. This naïve pacifism has fostered the void that is now inherent in the United States.

The most powerful country in the world is nothing if it isn’t helmed by quality leadership. Even our economic supremacy, which is teetering dangerously, is nothing if it is not managed and administered by quality leaders….leaders which we do not have.

The Mexican Government is determined to destroy the economy and retake part of the U.S. and far too many of our worthless politicians, i.e. Senator McCain, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Friske, Gov. Napolitano, and many others march forward behind Mexico’s president with a blurred vision and a judgment that is defective with a feeble determination.

While Americans argue over lawsuits over a neighbor’s dog or a window that was broken by a golf ball, the country is being meticulously destroyed while our politicians play with how they are going to win the next election. Is it too late to wake up?

The Genesis of a Third Party

If the Mexican Government, Pres. Bush, John McCain, Janet Napolitano and other left wingers get their way, a third political party will continue to be formed in the U.S. No, I am not talking about the Independent Party. I am referring to a third party possibly named “The Chicano Party”. This group is and has been pushing for an amnesty program that will legalize the 20 million illegals presently in the U.S. (not the 12 million that the Government wants you to believe). When this occurs, each illegal will be allowed to bring in all their extended family members to become citizens swelling the Latino voting members of this country to well over 150,000,000. In view that this is a very calculated effort by Mexico and left wingers in this country to take over the country, they would all be dictated to vote for their candidate wherever and for whatever position that person is a candidate for. This has already happened in most cities and towns all along the border and now being poised to stretch out throughout the U.S. The success depends on the acceptance of the amnesty program that is presently being pushed by Arizona Governor Napolitano, Senator John McCain, President Bush and quite a number of other pro-Mexican politicians at the Washington and states’ level.