Thursday, July 19, 2007

The North Koreans Are Having Fun

Yes, I also am having fun.... laughing at the naive, stupid American diplomats who feel that they have accomplished anything with the North Koreans. I refer to this statement today:

"Arms negotiators failed to agree on a deadline for North Korea to disable its nuclear facilities, the United States said Thursday, casting doubt on when Pyongyang will proceed with its promised disarmament after shuttering its sole operating reactor."

I had to laugh and at the same time I felt very sad that we have such naive dumb people in our State Department who continually feel that by diplomatic means, they can work with the North Korean regime (or for that matter, with Syria or Iran). These countries are being run by despotic crackpots who LOVE making fun of the United States because the United States is so vulnerable and run by such naive and unprofessional people as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Schumer, Kennedys, and a host of other anti-Americans who are ONLY interested in money and sex.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

U.S. Military Not Capable of Winning Against Terrorists in Iraq

I feel so very sad. Today, 7 July, 2007, ANOTHER 50 Iraqis and 8 U.S. troops killed in areas North of Bagdad. I say it is sad because as I have said LONG ago, 90% of the deaths are unnecessary and these unnecessary deaths occur because we have such dumb, inexperienced military officers leading the troops there. It is so bad that IF (I repeat, IF) I was in the military there, I would LEAVE…. AWOL or whatever, because I would consider it a sit to serve in the U.S. Army there under such dumb U.S. military officers who are vastly out of touch with reality.

Is the enemy (terrorists) vastly more intelligent? No, they are not but they know how to fight in a very simple way. OH how I wish I was there to lead the troops. I would turn the tide so fast that the enemy would not know what hit them. I KNOW that getting out of Iraq would/will be disastrous for the U.S. and the world because Iran would then take it over and make it into a terrorist state. BUT, on the other hand, the U.S. cannot do the job because they(it) does NOT have the know-how. It is unfortunate that the U.S. does NOT have a think tank whereby they can draw in ideas from people in the U.S. who can help guide the U.S. military in fighting the enemy there. This would be a temporary measure UNTIL the U.S. can begin training officers of the United States in the “art of terrorism”; something that the United States military is totally incapable of at this time.

Friday, July 6, 2007

The U.S. will never solve the illegal immigration problem

The United States CAN NEVER solve its illegal immigration problem for a number of reasons. The first and foremost is that the politicians are politically corrupt and are interested almost entirely in their own welfare and not that of the Country. As I have said LONG ago, the corrupt American politicians will eventually lead to the downfall of the United States.

One must keep in mind that with the so-called “freedoms” comes a price tag. The United States is supposedly built on “rights”. You do not have a “right” to talk to me that way… You do not have a “right” to go ahead of me in line, etc. As a SAD result of this mediocrity, the United States, under its system, has had far too many “rights groups” controlling the very thread of the existence of the United States. This is totally wrong and should never have been allowed to happen. By rights, I am referring to such groups as: Women’s rights; Homosexual rights; Gun rights; Hispanic rights: Arab-American rights; Afro-American rights; Abortion rights; Student rights; Animal rights, etc etc etc.

As it pertains to the illegal situation which is predominantly Mexican, once they get into the United States, they latch onto these ridiculous “freedoms” and demand the same and the Americans and their naïve politicians feel helpless as to what to do.

Thus, the illegal immigration issue is a HOT one. Oh yes, I first wrote about this in letters to the editor some 15 years ago and I was considered a “nut”. Unfortunately or fortunately, I had had considerable experience in political affairs and was capable of visualizing what would happen and I was totally right.

In the first place, the Americans, in general, are too busy getting their second or third SUV to bother with such a trivial thing as immigration. The Major problem here lies with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and American businesses in general who, as are the politicians, are concerned ONLY with their own respective welfare and certainly NOT that of the United States. The Republicans and the Democrats are vying for the Hispanic vote. The Republicans (particularly those up for re-election) are attempting to play the tougher immigration laws card but knowing that this will lose for them the vote of the Hispanics. At the same time, the Republican candidates (who are interested ONLY in their own political greed) know that if they play the tougher immigration card, they (the Republican candidate) will possibly alienate him/her from businesses who want the illegals to work for them.

On the other hand, the Democrats are concerned. Their main concern is getting the Hispanic vote. That is utmost in their minds. They want the power of being in office and for the incredible and luxurious perks that the taxpayers afford them.

Neither the American public (who in large part remain oblivious to the serious situation posed by illegal immigration) nor the politicians realize that most of the illegals here have fake ID cards and social welfare cards. They get them from a number of sources. One of the sources is the Catholic Church itself as I saw first hand when I was in Texas.

Oh yes-- We cannot forget one of the most basic problems which fortify the fact that the Americans will NEVER forge an immigration plan and that is SIMPLY due to the mentality of the Americans themselves.. the American on the street. This problem is that we all know some Hispanics and probably like them or friends with them. That makes it difficult to think of rounding people up and sending them home… When this idea is mentioned, we immediately think of that person or persons that we know. And, we say, “how can someone likes that b harmful to our country? But, if it was JUST that one person or a couple of people it would be hard to imagine. But, multiply that person by now about 30,000,000 (not the 12,000,000 that the Government wants its naïve citizens to believe). This already is draining our system and in short time, the naïve American on the street will wake up and find his/her SUV gone; their plans of sending children to University gone; having to sell their winter home in Florida, etc. Taxes, which are already skyrocketing in places along the border will mushroom throughout the United States. Taxes would HAVE to be raised by at least100-130% in order to pay for the medical, schooling, housing, social welfare benefits that a huge number of Americans do not presently receive themselves.

Politicians and the citizens of the U.S. MUST attempt to realize that the illegals here are NOT interested in “melting” in as the immigrants of days gone by did. With the current illegal immigrants, the United States is bending over backward to teach them in school IN THEIR NATIVE TONGUE, not English. Plus all the talk by illegals that this(the United States) is THEIR country and that they are eventually going to take it over should be disturbing to the naïve American public and its non-representative politicians. As an added note to this aspect, I have many many friends in Honduras where I go for visits and talked with many Mexican individuals. ALL (not one exception to those I talked with) have any intentions of remaining in the U.S. They want ONLY to get money and leave and for the elder folks, they want to be able to get social security under the American system and return to their Native Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, etc and live happily with the monthly social security check that will be coming in.

I have been able to see for a long period of time what the outcome is. I know that most of the politicians are self-centered and ONLY interested in their own personal greed and not at all interested in the welfare of the United States. I know that the American public, in general, is more concerned about getting money by any means. And, even though I respect highly (very highly) conservative talk show hosts, I do not believe that even they can conceive the true situation and are concentrating too much “inside the box”. As I have said long ago, the intent is to slowly take over the U.S. by getting into the position of City Council(in various cities), to get the mayor positions, Congressional, Senatorial and Governors positions and in the long run, they can have a candidate who will run for President on their own political party. If and when the 30,000,000 illegals are given amnesty by the American government, they can then bring in their extended families to become citizens. Even if they bring in only 4, that would swell our own U.S. population by about 130,000,000. They would have formed their own political party by then and vote in their own people. In essence, the parties of the Republican and Democrat would have disappeared

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sadly, the U.S. Cannot Win

I have stated this many times before but no one will listen. Unfortunately, the United States is not capable of winning the war in Afghanistan or Iraq. Similarly, they were not able to win the war in Vietnam and for that reason, the North Vietnamese defeated the Americans just as the Taliban along with the Islamic terrorists will defeat the United States military in Afghanistan and Iraq. Even if there were to be a war in /against Iran perpetrated by the U.S. the United States could never win. I find this sad to say but it is the signs of the times in the United States that started prior to the Vietnam War but really came to a head during that time. I spent 12 years in South Vietnam during those times and I could see the end result even before it came and told American officials of such but they would not listen. Two years later, the U.S. lost the war.

Yes, I have searched and searched for the words to express why the United States lost the war in Vietnam, the war in the Sudan and how they will lose the war I both Afghanistan and Iraq. The words are hard to find. There were (during the Vietnam War) and are during the present war in Afghanistan and Iraq, two major reasons why the United States lost and will lose the present wars, and as far as that is concerned, any future wars that the U.S. will be involved in.

The first reason of the three is relatively easy to explain. That has to do with the anti-American, anti-military, and pro-enemy elements in the United States itself to include not only elements/organizations within the citizenry but also many individuals who are, and/or were elected as our politicians. Jane Fonda was one who I can think of during the Vietnam war and as far as for the present wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, we have the Nancy Pelosis’ , the Harry Reids’, Ted Kennedys’, John McCains’, Dick Durbans’, and Governors such as Napalitano in Arizona, and so many more. These individuals (and many more like them) are ONLY interested in getting elected and holding on to power and no interest in what is best for the welfare of the United States. These individuals are doing everything they can to make the war a lost cause and they will succeed due primarily because our archaic freedom laws actually protects the enemies of the State. Under our system of Government, these enemies are allowed to roam freely in their movements as well as their actions.

The second reason of the three is considerably more difficult to explain due in part to the psychological aspects behind it. In the Vietnam War (as I criticized when I was there), the enemy fought the war on a bicycle. The U.S. Army fought with gunships, etc. Our own military losses were, for the most part, unnecessary. In the Iraq war, our friendly losses are even worse and again, it is due to the inability of the American Army to adjust or perhaps one could say, adapt to a new type of warfare. Personally, I could fight the war on terrorism but the U.S. military has little concept as to how to fight such a war. Our politicians know even less and yet they want and insist on being totally involved in fighting the war. Unfortunately, the Politicians, such as McCain, Senator Durban, and other anti-Americans are busy sipping martinis in a bar in Washington, D.C. and have no idea as to what is REALLY going on. Our military officers on the spot in Afghanistan and Iraq have had no experience in fighting a war on terrorism and will not learn in the near future. In addition, our military leadership does not even understand the war on terror and how it is being fought by the enemy.

The third reason of the three major reasons is likewise very difficult to grasp words for its explanation because it has to do with a totally different concept of life in the United States. During World War I and II, the leadership in the U.S. grasped the attention of the people and prepared them for reality. The American people, during those times, knew the consequences and because they knew, were willing to suffer doing without sugar, a new car, chocolate, etc. The American of today to include during the Vietnam era, are busy making money and they see ONLY what is in front of them today. Their main concern is making money and more money to buy a second new car for themselves and/or a new car for their son/daughter who is in high school. Americans have NOT been privy to what would happen if they lost that second or third vehicle; if they did not now have resources to put their son/daughter thru the University; if they did not now have sufficient fund with which to pay their mortgage(s). Politicians of today are not interested in the direction that the U.S. is going; the long-term affects of various actions taken by the U.S. in its foreign policy. Actually, the American politician of today has little to no concept of much of anything to do with the United States in the World. The politician of today for the most part (I stress, for the most part, i.e. Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, and others) are ONLY interested in being elected and getting re-elected and the power that it gives them and the luxurious perks that go along with being elected. The welfare of the people? That is not of concern to them.

Will the American people wake up in time from their “champagne” breakfasts to save themselves and the United States? I doubt it really. We just do not have the leadership and have not had the leadership in the U.S. since the days of Harry S. Truman, and/or leaders comparable to the likes of him.