Monday, May 28, 2007

The Art of Assimilation

Yes, it is widely assumed(in most cases) that a given ethnic group may assimilate to the host culture(in this case, the Mexican to the American culture) over an undetermined period of time, rhetoric espoused by the host culture(the American in this case) does not often take into account the difficulties for individuals involved… One could even ask themselves (or others), can individuals assimilate at all and if it is possible, until what age could it be deemed feasible or possible.

This subject is often brought up when it is being discussed in terms of the illegals crossing into the United States from the Southern border.

In my best opinion on this subject and in light of my experience with many discussions with families who have illegals here, it is NOT, in any way, comparable to the early years of the 1900s, etc. In my travels to Central America and being acquainted with many Mexicans here and in Mexico, the desire for assimilation and becoming “American” is NOT in the cards. I have talked with many many families in Central America who have illegal sons/relatives here and they all state that the illegals are here ONLY to get money, and/or to send back money to families in their respective countries. I even know of older individuals who state that they only have a few years more to be eligible for their Social Security benefits and then back to their original country. In the banks in Central America as well as in Mexico, it is astonishing to see daily, hundreds of people lined up to cash their money orders from individuals in the U.S.

The Mexican Government (who I contend is behind this invasion) considers the billions of dollars that come into the country from illegals in the U.S. as one of their two major sources of revenue for the country of Mexico

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