Monday, May 28, 2007

The Art of Assimilation

Yes, it is widely assumed(in most cases) that a given ethnic group may assimilate to the host culture(in this case, the Mexican to the American culture) over an undetermined period of time, rhetoric espoused by the host culture(the American in this case) does not often take into account the difficulties for individuals involved… One could even ask themselves (or others), can individuals assimilate at all and if it is possible, until what age could it be deemed feasible or possible.

This subject is often brought up when it is being discussed in terms of the illegals crossing into the United States from the Southern border.

In my best opinion on this subject and in light of my experience with many discussions with families who have illegals here, it is NOT, in any way, comparable to the early years of the 1900s, etc. In my travels to Central America and being acquainted with many Mexicans here and in Mexico, the desire for assimilation and becoming “American” is NOT in the cards. I have talked with many many families in Central America who have illegal sons/relatives here and they all state that the illegals are here ONLY to get money, and/or to send back money to families in their respective countries. I even know of older individuals who state that they only have a few years more to be eligible for their Social Security benefits and then back to their original country. In the banks in Central America as well as in Mexico, it is astonishing to see daily, hundreds of people lined up to cash their money orders from individuals in the U.S.

The Mexican Government (who I contend is behind this invasion) considers the billions of dollars that come into the country from illegals in the U.S. as one of their two major sources of revenue for the country of Mexico

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Horrific Cost of Illegal Judicial Acts

The horrific cost of Illegal judicial costs
getinformed posted less than a minute ago views: 1 Tags: Illegal crimesx
The cost for jucial sweeping up after illegals is horrific. At this present time, there are over 260,000 illegals incarcerated in the U.S. at a cost of right at $2,000,000,000. This does NOT include the cost of destruction to families as a result of their murders, thefts, etc. The taxpayers pay for this and it is not fair. After all, one must look at who is at fault. It is anti-Americans such as Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, President Bush, Harry Reid, Governor Napalitano of Arizona, Gov. Swartzeneigger of California, Barbara, Boxer, many of the leftish movie stars and many others. It is unfortunate that the U.S. laws potect these thieves from being prosecuted. It is because of them that the illegals are allowed to come into the U.S... It is because of them that murders, thefts, property damage, etc is allowed to take place on American soil. The law should be changed to make them liable.

Believe me.. IF I had the power, I would prosecute them all... ... Give them a ONE-DAY trial and then throw them in jail and in the case of an American being murdered by an illegal, the politician responsible would be put to death for his/her partnership with the illegal.

Americans should petition their honest politician(if there are any) to change the law to prosecute these thieves who encourage illegals coming into the country.

Email to Rush Limbaugh on 21 May 07 on Immigration

This is a follow up to my previous email to you earlier on this same subject. I LOVED your program today... It was what I had foreseen many years ago (No, I am NOT a psychic). Many years ago I wrote (letters to the Editor) of a coming crisis with illegals from Mexico and voila!!!. Yes, as I stated before, the Democrats want illegals because that means votes for them. What the Democrats DO NOT KNOW is that in the future, when Amnesty is obtained and the 30,000,000 illegals now here bring in their extended families, the voting demographics will change. Yes, the illegals will continue to vote Democratic due to this incredible shift in the population to Latino.... but eventually they will put in their OWN people and actually form a separate party (call it, for example, the Chicano party) and then the Democrats will ALSO be OUT. The Chicano party will eventually change the total political face of the United States so drastically that I would not even venture to know what and how history will treat it. That is WHY.. it must be stopped now because as time goes on, more and more of the Mexican individuals will be placed in office and they will have more and more word as to what is going on and the conservative (and even the liberal ) views will be squelched entirely. Yes, radio talk hosts such as yourself, Sean, and others can talk about it but do you all REALLY understand that the very future of the US is at stake

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Illegals: The Cancerous Affliction

The problems created by waves of illegal immigrants leving Mexico for the U.S. are very real and have been so for some years. I remember I attempted, to no avail, get people aware of the devastation that would occur with this epidemic. No one listened. The politicians (American) would say nothing because they wanted the Latino vote so they prostituted themselves in order to get votes. The GREED for power was more important to MOST all of our politicians... more important than the sanctity of America itself. The Politicians are to blame and should be held accountable in some way or another.. That includes such un-American persons as former President Jimmy Carter, and others following him. This also includes thousands of politicians in the U. S. from Governor to Senator, Congressman, Mayors, City Councils and even the infamous un-American judges that are spreading their venom in American in order to destroy it.America fights the terrorists in the Middle East. The real danger is and has been just south of our border. In my opinion, it is far too late to turn back the irreputable damage already done by our American politicians and the illegals sponsored by the corrupt and terrorist Mexican Government.

The Cost for Illegals is Too Great

Most Americans are not even aware of the problem but they will. Certainly, their children will find out in a very painful way. Gone will be the two or three-car families because most of the tax dollars by Americans will be going to provide education, housing, medical and general living expenses to millions of illegals already here and millions that will be coming. El Paso, Texas is a good example of devastation by illegals. Taxes are skyrocketing there and t he economy is devastating. The same for the very serious situation in California. Liberals continue to talk of how illegals help the economy but they are only interested in the office that they are running for. They do not realize that eventually, the country will have enough illegals that will vote their own people into power..... JUST as they have already done in El Paso, Texas and other areas all along t he border with Mexico. The Government of Mexico is preparing illegals to go to the U.S. for primarily two reasons. One is to send back billions of dollars from the U.S. economy and the other is to get a very very strong foothold in America. Also assisting with this grab is the Catholic Church. In many cities and certainly along the border to include El Paso, Texas, the Catholic Diosese has houses set up for illegals. Volunteers in these houses teach basics in and on American life but the most important thing they do is to teach the illegals how to escape into the interior. I should know.. I was one of the volunteers for a very short period of time.

How do we Punish the Evil Ones?

Our present archaic laws do not permit us to put into prison, traitors to the United States. Some of these traitors, i.e. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, many governors, Barbara Boxer and many others should right not be tried for treason. It is unfortunate, however, that our archaic system of "being politically correct" protects these traitors while they remain in office... while they remain in their positions and every day destroying the United States. All the citizens can do is just sit back and watch. If I was in power... if I HAD the real power, all of those crooks would be in prison without parole ever. In addition, what the United States should do.... and should have done is to confiscate all of their assets as well as any assets of their immediate families and given it to people affected by their anti-American acts. I am so sorry that the American people are still asleep. They, themselves, may not see the results of their non-responsiveness to what is going on but their children and their children will definitely pay the price. Sometimes it is asked.. Why does(for example) Nancy Pelosi act against the interests of the United States. The reason is GREED... She knows that she will have her salary even after she is out of the Government. She knows that she is set up with riches for live so she, herself, does not care. Her concern(for example herself) is for herself and not for others. That is how greed works. Her children's children will pay horribly the price for her treacherous acts. In my opinion, it is too late... People such as her, the racist mayor of New Orleans, the Mexican Mayor of Los Angeles and other traitors have made their lasting mark on the destruction of the U.S.

My Past Predictions Coming True

In the past, I started writing a book manuscript and it would contain a number of chapters entitled, for example: Illegals.... Judicial System.....Terrorism.... American Education.. etc. This manuscript is not completed and because I was late, a number of happenings have arisen that made me go back and re-do a number of chapters. For example:Terrorism: I predicted a number of years go that Terrorism would become a paramount problem in the United States and certain other countries. This, unfortunately, has already occurred. My years in the Arab countries prompted my predictions at that time. It is, unfortunately, not over. Terrorism will become worse of a problem here in America because our politicians are not intelligent enough to even attempt to solve the problems associated with terrorism. Their main desire is money and this, coupled with the greed for power. That is more important to MOST of our politicians than rectifying any problem(s) in the United States.Illegals: Again, I rightfully predicted that this would become probably one of our most devastating problems.... and it has... and will continue to worsen as time goes on. My prediction is that sometime after the year 2012, we will have a strong Mexican candidates for President and the elections following that year, there will be a Mexican president in the White House. Following this, the demise will rapidly be a visual reality. In the meantime, however, Mexicans (militant types) will continue to take over City governments (as in El Paso, for example) and eventually State Goverments. Again, this is because our existing today's politicians are more interested in their own future than they are the future of the City... the State.. the Country. It is even possible that they do not realize that their greed for power and money is destroying the country here as the Government of Mexico strides forward.U.S. Corporations: Part of the manuscript that I started some years ago involved large U.S. Corporations. My prediction at that time that a number of them were not true to form. Meaning that from a visual distance, they appeared to be very stable, sound and able to carry the U.S. forward in the world. My understanding then and my predictions were that a number of those Corporations were false and that they were running on corruption and would fall... fall big tme. Well, a number of them did.. World Com, Enron, and some others. There will be others but perhaps not quite as fast. Again, the reason is greed/corruption on the part of the respective CEOs. They were not satisfied with a $100,000,000 salary a year (which included about a triple amount in perks)they wanted more and more and more.U.S. Education System: My degrees were in Education but have never gone into teaching and would not touch it. Beginning some years ago.. 20 0r even 25 years ago, the U.S. Education system started sliding downhill. The good old Reading/Writing/Arithmetic were thrown out and in came hand-held came the new face of school administrators--in came the new type of curricululm which placed more emphasis on sex education and t he like. Students and their parents now run the system. It was doomed to failure and it will become even worse as more and more money is allocatted to a dying institution. I have visited a number of schools in Asia, Africa, Middle East and in Europe and they are far ahead of the U.S. as far as their curriculum is concerned. It is unfortunate, however, that the students have to pay for their own schooling and 90% or more cannot afford it. The United States is already falling behind in education and as time goes on, they will fall further behind. Competitively speaking, the United States will be out of the picture in another 25-37 years. The culprits: Again, it is our politicians that you(not I) put into office. Being politicians and under our system, they are more interested in both monetary greed and power greed. The most important things in the world for them.. NOT the United States of America.

This is our Death

The immigration issue is one of the major factors that will lead to a serious downfall in the U.S. I wrote (letters to the Editor) over 12 years ago when in El Paso.. The leftist newspaper there printed one but refused the rest. I wrote several letters to the editor to the Arizona Republic in the past. They printed one and refused to print any more. I thus cancelled the subscription to that newspaper also. Yes, terrorism is and will become much more of an issue in the U.S. but the issue that will completely destroy the U.S. has to do with immigration. Pres. Bush and many others do not get the point that I tried to stress again recently as well as some years ago. I contend then and now that the Mexican Government is basically behind this whole thing. It is unfortunate that the U.S. Government uses the 12,000,000 million illegal immigrant figure. The figure is more accurately that of 30,000,000. The problem that I stressed long ago is that the Mexican Government wants to take over the South and as many states as it can. The surest way they can do that is to get on the side of the Democrats.. The Democrats will assist drastically in proposing and pushing thru any legislation having to do with illegals. The influx of 30,000,000 for the first year will result in amnesty and thus each member can bring in extended family members. This, in turn, will keep the Democrats in power for a while but the Democrats, in their desire to destroy the Republican party, will give, unknowing to them, help the Mexicans create a new political party here and with their greatly increase in voting numbers, can put in any candidate (Latino) that they desire. Any effort then by the Democratic Party to make amends will be too late.

In addition, what will result is an incredible increase in the amount of lawyers. The new illegal population of millions will then use the American system to sue everyone (non-Latino) that they can and it will be pure havoc.

The children of Americans (not the new Americans created by the Amnesty) will not be able to go to a University nor will their children. The influx of more than 150,000,000 new inhabitants will drain any and all social welfare system now and in the future to come.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Email to JD Hayworth in Phoenix

JD:Some 15 or so years ago, I had letters to the Editor in El Paso(leftist newspaper) about the coming dangers of a Mexican invasion (in particular, Illegals). I was printed the first time and not after. I was considered racist/radical, etc.
At that time, I could foresee the mounting dangers of Illegals flooding this country. No.. I am not a psychic. I have spent nearly 30 years in overseas State Department Missions and I KNOW how people think.
At any rate, allowing the millions to stay here and to allow amnesty will be the final blow to this country. I still contend that the Mexican Government is behind all of it. I still contend that it is the intent of the Mexican Government to slowly take over the political aspects of the country as they already have in most of the Southern areas of the U.S. and also in Los Angeles and other cities.
Politicians talk and talk and I am certain in my mind that they have no idea what is going on... They have no idea that the very existance of our Government is at stake.
I know that the U.S. Government states that there are 12,000,000 illegals here but I contend that there are closer to 30 million.. If amnesty is given, each of them will be allowed to bring in extended family members and swell the population of the U.S. by an additional 100,000,000 plus million and that would pose a serious voting block for the Mexican

The Worst Yet to Come

In the past, I started writing a book manuscript and it would contain a number of chapters entitled, for example: Illegals.... Judicial System.....Terrorism.... American Education.. etc. This manuscript is not completed and because I was late, a number of happenings have arisen that made me go back and re-do a number of chapters. For example:

Terrorism: I predicted a number of years go that Terrorism would become a paramount problem in the United States and certain other countries. This, unfortunately, has already occurred. My years in the Arab countries prompted my predictions at that time. It is, unfortunately, not over. Terrorism will become worse of a problem here in America because our politicians are not intelligent enough to even attempt to solve the problems associated with terrorism. Their main desire is money and this, coupled with the greed for power. That is more important to MOST of our politicians than rectifying any problem(s) in the United States.

Illegals: Again, I rightfully predicted that this would become probably one of our most devastating problems.... and it has... and will continue to worsen as time goes on. My prediction is that sometime after the year 2012, we will have a strong Mexican candidates for President and the elections following that year, there will be a Mexican president in the White House. Following this, the demise will rapidly be a visual reality. In the meantime, however, Mexicans (militant types) will continue to take over City governments (as in El Paso, for example) and eventually State Goverments. Again, this is because our existing today's politicians are more interested in their own future than they are the future of the City... the State.. the Country. It is even possible that they do not realize that their greed for power and money is destroying the country here as the Government of Mexico strides forward.

U.S. Corporations: Part of the manuscript that I started some years ago involved large U.S. Corporations. My prediction at that time that a number of them were not true to form. Meaning that from a visual distance, they appeared to be very stable, sound and able to carry the U.S. forward in the world. My understanding then and my predictions were that a number of those Corporations were false and that they were running on corruption and would fall... fall big tme. Well, a number of them did.. World Com, Enron, and some others. There will be others but perhaps not quite as fast. Again, the reason is greed/corruption on the part of the respective CEOs. They were not satisfied with a $100,000,000 salary a year (which included about a triple amount in perks)they wanted more and more and more.

U.S. Education System: My degrees were in Education but have never gone into teaching and would not touch it. Beginning some years ago.. 20 0r even 25 years ago, the U.S. Education system started sliding downhill. The good old Reading/Writing/Arithmetic were thrown out and in came hand-held came the new face of school administrators--in came the new type of curricululm which placed more emphasis on sex education and t he like. Students and their parents now run the system. It was doomed to failure and it will become even worse as more and more money is allocatted to a dying institution. I have visited a number of schools in Asia, Africa, Middle East and in Europe and they are far ahead of the U.S. as far as their curriculum is concerned. It is unfortunate, however, that the students have to pay for their own schooling and 90% or more cannot afford it. The United States is already falling behind in education and as time goes on, they will fall further behind. Competitively speaking, the United States will be out of the picture in another 25-37 years. The culprits: Again, it is our politicians that you(not I) put into office. Being politicians and under our system, they are more interested in both monetary greed and power greed. The most important things in the world for them.. NOT the United States of America.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Politicians are Dangerous

In all of my life, I have never been so scared. I see the Mexicans attacking from the south and they have taken over a lot of the territory in the South(Political positions as far north as Los Angeles)..... I see pro terrorists such as Nancy Pelosi.... Harry Reid.... Barbara Boxer..... that Governor Napalitano in Arizona and many many others who are, for a reason that I cannot understand, are helping the enemy(Mexicans from the south, and terrorists) to destroy the United States. I have put out feelers in order to attempt to understand why but thus far, I just cannot get the answer.. UNLESS it is their intent .. their actual intent... to destroy the U.S.