Saturday, May 19, 2007

Illegals: The Cancerous Affliction

The problems created by waves of illegal immigrants leving Mexico for the U.S. are very real and have been so for some years. I remember I attempted, to no avail, get people aware of the devastation that would occur with this epidemic. No one listened. The politicians (American) would say nothing because they wanted the Latino vote so they prostituted themselves in order to get votes. The GREED for power was more important to MOST all of our politicians... more important than the sanctity of America itself. The Politicians are to blame and should be held accountable in some way or another.. That includes such un-American persons as former President Jimmy Carter, and others following him. This also includes thousands of politicians in the U. S. from Governor to Senator, Congressman, Mayors, City Councils and even the infamous un-American judges that are spreading their venom in American in order to destroy it.America fights the terrorists in the Middle East. The real danger is and has been just south of our border. In my opinion, it is far too late to turn back the irreputable damage already done by our American politicians and the illegals sponsored by the corrupt and terrorist Mexican Government.

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