Thursday, July 19, 2007

The North Koreans Are Having Fun

Yes, I also am having fun.... laughing at the naive, stupid American diplomats who feel that they have accomplished anything with the North Koreans. I refer to this statement today:

"Arms negotiators failed to agree on a deadline for North Korea to disable its nuclear facilities, the United States said Thursday, casting doubt on when Pyongyang will proceed with its promised disarmament after shuttering its sole operating reactor."

I had to laugh and at the same time I felt very sad that we have such naive dumb people in our State Department who continually feel that by diplomatic means, they can work with the North Korean regime (or for that matter, with Syria or Iran). These countries are being run by despotic crackpots who LOVE making fun of the United States because the United States is so vulnerable and run by such naive and unprofessional people as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Schumer, Kennedys, and a host of other anti-Americans who are ONLY interested in money and sex.

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