Saturday, March 10, 2007

Obama and the Islamo Facists

Obama has entered the race.. In all liklihood, he will win because there are enough stupid Americans to vote him in... It is interesting, however... (that is it WILL be interesting) to know who will win out in the take over of the US.. the Islamic facists by Obama or the Mexican Government with its now 30,000,000 illegals. It is also interesting to know when such anti-Americans as Nancy Palosi, Harry Reid, John McCain, Arizona Governor Napalitano, Barbara Boxer, Kennedy, etc will side with.. the Mexican Government or the Islamic Facists under Obama. I would guess the Mexican Government in view that they already have many politicians in place as Mayors, Governors, etc in the US and if the Amnesty programs goes thru , it will swell the mexican ranks here by an additional 150 million and they will then be able to put anyone into office they want.

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